
Entity Definition

Logical Name : DonationProcessor
Physical Name : PA_DNTN_PCSR

A third party that handles the legal, regulatory, tax and accounting aspects of accepting donations from retail customers through retail sales transactions. This third party is NOT the charity. This is part of change for charity.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
DonationProcessorID (PK) Token identifier for a party that accepts and handles the accounting for donations to a charity. The DonationProcessor is a third party that is separate from the retailer, customer and charity. ID_DNTN_PCSR Identity integer
PartyRoleAssignmentID (FK) Token identifier for a PartyRoleAssignmentInstance. ID_PRTY_RO_ASGMT Identity integer PartyRoleAssignment(PA_RO_PRTY)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PartyRoleAssignment is a DonationProcessor
DonationProcessor accepts and accounts for Contribution

Logical Views containing DonationProcessor

Logical View
Logical 02341 - Retail Transaction - Change for Charities View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View